DALI Lights

DALI Protocol

The dali protocol is used for all normal roof lights in Kistan. It is also used in all classrooms. The DALI protocol specification can be found here.


In a DALI network all the lights store their own information. The controller(s) just broadcast instructions to all or some lamps. Instructions are always referenced by the command-number found on page 115 in the specification linked above.

Lamps can be sent commands either by their address (single light) or groups (multiple lights). There is also a global group for 'everything' with the group value 255.

DALI commands are sent by the cmd-tool dalicmd(https://github.com/Daedaluz/dalicmdopen in new window) on the IN-2 server and usually by executing the command in the LMixer interface.

master:add(0, execute("dalicmd -g 255 -c 16"))

The dalicmd help is this:

dalicmd [-g] [-c] [-s] [-a] [-h] [-r]
--group          -g xx
--address        -a xx
--set            -s xx
--cmd            -c xx
--read           -r xx
--help           -h

Common commands

0Go to Off
5Go to Max
16 - 31Go to scene 0 - 15

DALI Mappings in Kistan


Addresses in DALI are assigned at random and here is a map of all the DALI lights and their addresses in Kistan.


Special addresses

Some special addresses is used to control relays for different roof outlets. The DALI relays is mounted in the electrical cabinet in SpritförrÄdet.

25Relay 1.1 Roof closer to microwaves
26Relay 1.2 Roof closer to windows
27Relay 1.3 Microwave bench lights
28Relay 1.3 Not connected
39Relay 2.1
40Relay 2.2 Roof on dance floor
41Relay 2.3
42Relay 2.4


Group numberName
1Bar (above shelves)
2Hanging (sofas)
3Hanging (dance floor)
4Florescence (dance floor)
5Hanging (gasque)
6All hanging
7Shit lamps


Scene numberCMD Go toName
319Sofas high


All off

dalicmd -g 255 -c 18

Max on dance floor

dalicmd -g 3 -c 5 && dalicmd -g 4 -c 5